These two pictures are of drawing that Hannah drew for us to use in her scene of the creator
youtube played a big part in our film as that is where we uploaded everything on to and uploaded our film online making it viewable to anyone. its also allowed us to look at other peoples opening 2 minutes and get opening two minutes from opening scene of a film.
what we learnt on youtube:
we learnt how to create and use a youtube account
- how to upload video on to youtube and make them visible to everyone
- we also learnt how to make and add speech bubbles and annotations to a video online
We used Blogger to do our main production of our coursework. On blogger we had to produce a online diary where we had to complete various tasks and record various things down such as research and planning , filming diarys so our teachers could see what we have been up to while filming , and our evaluation tasks. on blogger we had to upload many different photos, videos and slideshows and found various ways of doing this
what i have learnt from blogger :
- On blogger we have learnt how to do a detail analysis of a media works from the production of our film to the research and planning of our film.
- Also we learnt how to make a accurate detailed dairy of the work we have done at each stage of the production.
we used adobe premiere elements to do all our editing of both our preliminary task and our final film. at first we found Adobe very confusing to use as it was rather technical but by the end of both films we have got to grips with it and have learnt many different things from it heres just some:
- We learnt how to upload our footage from the camera to the computer through Adobe.
- We also learnt how to cut the frames where we wanted to and fix them together with another frame
- Also leant how to slipt digoulouge and footage apart from each other when the sound was not need
- how to fix the contrast and brightness of a frame to what you want
- we also playedaround with the audio levels of our music as we found it was to high pitch and needed it softer so we mangered to do that .
- we also learnt how to use tranisitions to make the shot play smoothly into each other .
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