Monday 4 April 2011

evalutation 1- in what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After going though our final piece  i have selected nine  frames which i am going to look at and compare to our objectives from the start of the filming process. Our aim was to create a realistic opening to a horror film but i personally think that it turnt in to more of physiological thriller /horror.
Frame 1.
For this shot we used a black background and white writing just as the opening shot of our film we had it silent and the words slowly faded on and was on the screen for a couple of seconds then had it fade out again we thought this was successful as it added an effect of a horror type film as we used a black screen which contrasted with the white writing.Throughout the film we chose titles stating who was starring in it, we chose to have small white writing that alternated on the side it was within the screen we chose them to be small as we didn't want them to be distracted from the action that would be shown on the screen.  
 The location within this scene is meant to be unknown as it adds mystery to the scene just like Hannah's character is.However the scene was filmed in my dining room, we made the scene by making the room dark we done this by shutting the curtains and using the dimming switch we have and putting it on the lowest setting possible for the camera to still be able to see Hannah and the easel and the pencils(which are the props we used).This is used by Hannah "The Creator" as she sketches out the scene. we used the camera to create an over the shoulder shot of Hannah then to zoom in on the drawing this shot was hard to get as we had to keep the camera steady and get the right shot we were going for. Hannah's character is introduced in a way most evil characters are shown, with out a view of there face. The costume for Hannah's character was a checked black shirt with a grey waistcoat this gave her the artist look about her as well as the dark clothing makes her blend into the background

Frame 3.
Within this shot it uses the Rule of thirds this was done unintentionally but i think it is a good thing as it draws the audience to Ana's character which is what the scene is all about.This scene was also filmed at my house but in my bedroom this is because we want to make it look like Ana is in bed so in the film it is made to look like her bedroom  Ana is made to look uneasy within this scene as if she is having night mares. the lighting within the scene was achieved by closing curtains but it was still to sunny in the room so we used towels to block out the sunlight through the windows we also shut the door. In order for the camera to see Ana we used the dimmer lights to add a bit of light so the camera would work and because it was a dimmer switch we still was able to achieve the effect of nighttime. Ana's character is introduced to be see as innocent and meaning full to the opening of this film.

Frame 4.
This shot is filmed in a school field where the grass is rather long and seems wild this is the effect that was wanted as it maybe adds the touch of Zoe's character with in the scene.The focus within the scene is on the character as well as the setting i feel the setting is important for the scenes as is adds the idea of maybe it being a dream. Ana is positioned in the center of the shot so the audience are meant to sympathise with her as she is vulnerable and worried.The next shot from this is a pan around Ana's character with almost a shaky effect to it this is made to look like it is Zoe's character circling Ana.This shot has been edited to black and white just like all the other dream scene shots have this is to show a contrast between the dream scene and Ana in bed. In this scene Ana is wearing her pyjamas to remind the audience that she is still in a dream.
Frame 5.

This scene is filmed in the same school field as frame 4 this is the first time we see Zoe's character but we do not see her face this is typical for a horror film that the villain is not shown within the first showing of these types of characters.In these first scene of the dream scenes Zoe is wearing a green cap but because we have played with the effects and have changed the contrasts of the colouring to make it look like a dark day. we also cut the cape so it looked like it had been dragged and ripped along the mud and in the dirt. we also done it on a day where it was windy out side so the cape court the wind which added effect to what we wanted

Frame 6.
This shot is once again set in the same field as the previous but we found little patches of very long grass so we made good use of this provided us with many different shots that could of been used. In terms of the costumes we used the same green cape was used and with the hood up for Mis-on-scene. the type of shot used was a mid shot /close up this is because Zoe was very low to the ground we used these shots as this is the first time Zoe's face is shown . The frame just like a couple of the others uses the rule of thirds this is essential as it shows the most important thing which is Zoe's face and we want the attention to be on her

Frame 7.
The location for this frame  the same field as the rest but in a slightly more shorter grass than the previous ones and there more leaves around this is made to look as if Zoe's character has travelled for some distance. within the scene Zoe is wearing old brown boots that have fur on them this could maybe be animals fur ? making Zoe's character look slightly barbaric. Before this shot there was a shot of the camera tracking Zoe's footsteps and then we see her stamp on the sticks and a piece fly off this is shot from a low angle which makes Zoe's character look powerful,this was  hard to film even using a tripod,as we wanted to track her but so it from a low angle we had to re film this many times to get the smoothness of it.This shot of the tracking and Zoe stamping on the sticks ends when the stick fly off this could show how powerful and Barbaric Zoe's character is  

Frame 8.

This shot is filmed from a low angle to show the power Zoe has it is a mid shot of the character in a tree this works very well with in the our film as the next shot is of Ana's Character at the bottom of a tree resting on it looks worried and scared so maybe Zoe is at the top of that tree although these to shots where filmed at different locations you cant see the top of the tree Ana is leaning against so it could be the case. Zoe is wearing the green cape again for match on action and mis-on-scene also she is wearing the same boots for this purpose to. she is wearing plan black tights shorts and a top this could suggest maybe that she is a normal person but is bad just within the dreams ?
Frame 9.
This frame is taken from the last shot of our opening 2 minutes which is of Ana desperately trying to run away from what is coming after her although she doesn't know what it is just yet ! i personally think this shot shows the location of the field we filmed in very well as you have it in the distances although our main focus is of Ana the field is still in the background the following shot of this is of ana half way across the field which is a long shot of her and the field . Ana is wearing the same Pyjamas as she has been throughout the opening this is for continuity editing also for match on action this frame is shot as a mid shot/close up this is so we can see the background also so we can see the expression and worry on Ana's face

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