Tuesday 14 September 2010

My first post :D

soo thought i would post my first post :) i had media today we learnt key terms in filming in this we learnt different camrea shots which are :
  • Close-up
  • Meduim shot
  • Extreme close-up
  • Long shot
  • High angle shot
  • Low angle shot
We also learnt different camera shots which are:
  • Panning
  • Tracking
  • Zooming
Also the two different types of sound which is diegetic sound and non-diegestic sound the difference between these are non-diegestic sound is added into the film during editing where as diegestic film is in the film so e.g. birds in the background which the charater can hear.

We also learnt about Mise-en-scene which basically means everything that is in a frame so colour,props,set,costumes and lighting these thing are all important in a film and nothing in a film is there by accident mise-en-scene is a broad term coving everything you see in a film.  

near the end of the lesson we had to watch the first ten minutes of kidulthood and analise by looking at
  • colour and lighting
  • set and props
  • costume,hair and make-up
  • position of the characters
  • facial expressions and boby language

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