Monday 31 January 2011

What we did today

Today Zoe has experimented in powerpoint looking at different fonts and sizes for our opening credits so we can see what font,styles,transitions and colour we liked then we had a group dicussion bout this but we next need to do it look at a different software to do these on as powerpoint may not be suitable for what we are looking for I then spent the lesson looking on youtube for either a broken music box sound or a drown out nursery rhyme we will use this for a sound bridge or earry feel when ana wakes up and sees the teddy has its arms up we will do this as a sound bridge . Ana and hannah spent the lesson drafting the script that will be late to be posted !

Draft script

[ Enter camera over the shoulder shot of Hannah's character  zooming into easel content, as she finishes her piece] [ Fully in black, her face half shrouded in shadow, enhancement of her eye. Perhaps over exaggerationn of mascara and eye liner]
[ Use of dimming switch is applied to scene]
[ the lamp turns off mysteriously, room is left in darkness creating tension and suspense]
End of scene

Scene 2
[ Zoe is camouflaged in the grass , wearing a dark green cape. Her make up is very stark and in contrast with her pale face- enhanced by rice powder. Her lips should be bright scarlet red as though she is bleeding to add to the effect and pervading atmosphere]A centered canted angle shot is used to show the uneasiness of the situation]
[ The camera tracks Zoe while she is at a fixed point. At this period of time Zoe's face is still hidden. Long shot of Zoe follows tracking which develops into a panning shot]
Scene 3
[ mid shot panning around Zoe. As the camera reaches full circle to the front of Zoe her face is finally uncovered: she shows her true identity.]
Scene 4
[ long shot of Ana asleep in bed, surrounded by china dolls to reflect innocence and childhood. There is also an eye line match of Ana and the china dolls above on the shelf]
[ Use of dimming switch is applied to scene]
Scene 5
[ Juxtaposition shot of both Ana and Zoe's eyes . Zoe's eye is unnatural and creepy whereas Ana is innocent , reflecting the differences between the characters. It then fades into Ana eye like she's looking into Ana soul]
Scene 6
[ audience is made to feel as though they are seeing an apparition of what is going to happen to Ana. This makes them sympathize with Ana character.]
[ Continuity editing is used with an over the shoulder shot of Hannah again to represent repetition but this time it depicts future events e.g. Zoe chasing Ana]
Scene 7[ Ana is sitting in the grass cross legged looking worried and tense: To scared to turn round as Ana is unsure whether its a dream or reality][ wearing a white nightie to reflect the immaturity of Ana character]
[ I have Ana hands over ears]
[Voice over of Zoe's voice in Ana's head] "Im coming "... [ breathy whisper]
[Ana mumble to herself ] Stop![ every time its repeated it gets higher in tempo, until its a high pitched loud squeal ]
[ still sitting in the grass, cross legged and is unaware of something behind me. A 2shot of Ana and Zoe in the frame but im still unaware of her presence- Ana's breathing gets erractic and up tempo]
[ Ana stand up and see Zoe ( long 2 shot), Zoe rises up from the grass and lifts her hood off on a steady beat ]
[ Both Ana and Zoe do a clicking motion in synchronization to show unity and the fact that Ana is under her power]

Wednesday 26 January 2011

First shot at filming !!

Today we began filming our first scenes at my house firstly the bedroom scene and the scene in which Hannah is drawing. We started off filming quick footage of Ana sleeping in bed and then waking up staring at the ceilingwhich make the audience question as they don't know what is going on. We took the same shot several times as we wanted to have the best shot possible therefore having more than one would mean that we have more to choose from. The lighting was a key concept in this particular shot as well as we wanted to reflect that it was night time but that was problematic in itself as if the lighting was too dark then we wouldn't be able to see our filmed footage. In the end we used a dimming switch to provide a natural lighting which interestingly gave the camera a fuzzy blurry quality- almost static. This actually worked quite well as it looked quite naturalistic which is the effect we were going for as it contrasts against the surrealistic narrative which we have composed.We also experimented with a tripod camera to see what effect this would have on the shots but unfortunately we couldn't work out how to attach the camera to the tripod. This shows us that we need to practice how to use this camera as we don't want all of our shots to be filmed hand held. Our next shot was of a teddy bear which was to reflect the childhood innocence of Ana's character and again we played around with lighting: this time as well as a dimming switch we also used a bedside lamp. This was very effective as it bathed the bear in an orange glow and was again quite blurry. This followed into a transition of an eye line match between me and the bear where the conceptualisation of Mise-en-scene took place as Ana used facial expressions. The shot showed Ana looking frightened as though Ana knew something bad is going to happen which makes the audience sympathize with Ana role and also leaves them feeling tense.We then went into my Dining room where we did Hannah's scenes. Our first shot was of Hannah drawing a picture which comes to life later on in the film. This consisted of a hooded figure[ Zoe] immersed in mist and clouds with ' It's coming' in scratch messy writing . This is to represent how Hannah is the controller of both Ana and Zoe and how Ana become possessed due to the control  that Zoe  is inflicting upon Ana. This also links in with the title of our film 'Puppet Strings'. To give an eerie effect to the film Hannah ensured that she wrote very heavily so as to create a scratchy, rasping noise. I then used zoom reverse zoom to enhance the picture which transcended into a similar shot of her drawing again but minus the writing and an additional of Ana in the background looking at her. To represent the artistic feel of the scene  Hannah wore a checkered black and white shirt and waistcoat which almost gave her a sense of normality despite the evilness of her character. Her face was also in side profile to giver her a sense of mystery. We finished off our filming session by taking a prop shot list.